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July Yoga Backpacking Retreat in Montana

Welcome to the ReCreate Yoga Backpacking trip in Montana. This year we will be going to the Lee Metcalf Wilderness for 2 nights. The first day will involve connecting with the group, distribution of the gear, and attending to any preparation needs that we may have. The second day will start early to take in the beautiful Montana air and fantastic scenery while hiking along the South Fork of the Spanish Creek. The adventure will be consist of a gentle yoga practice half way through the trek. The practice will enable the body to feel renewed and revitalized for the second part of the day. We will then continue our hike moving through an amazingly lush valley up to the Spanish Lakes where there the Majestic Mountains envelope the sky. There, we will have a short meditation to facilitate ease of breath and allowing ourselves to remember our intention for the day.

Day three will start with a waking yoga practice to energize the body and the mind. Options for the day will consist of hiking to nearby lakes or peaks or just swimming in the lake. an additional Yoga experience will be just before dinner to enable ease of digestion. The Fourth morning we will have a Yoga Nidra to start our meditative hike out. The group should be out by 6:00 pm and back to the Transportation. Time getting out may vary. We try to stick to the schedule of time as closely as possible, however when hiking there may be unexpected delays. Please allow for them.

Cost: $350.00 per person Two or more registering: $300.00 ea

Included in the cost: Professional backpackers and outdoor specialists guides, Food for 3 days of hiking, first nights accommodations, camping stoves, water filters, pots and pans, food canisters, professional yoga and medication instruction.

Not included: Travel to the first nights accommodations, first night accommodations* meals for the first day and night, personal gear ( list is included at the bottom of the page), accommodations on the day we end the trip. * Free accommodations to the first four guest in a shared house.

Personal gear:

***Backpack for 2 night trip, sturdy and worn in hiking boots, sleeping bag for nights down to 30 deg F., sleeping pad, sunglasses, sun hat for hiking, water filter or iodine tablets, tent or bivy sack, and warm light layer clothing, hat and gloves are highly recommended. Other items you want to bring: headlamp, container(s) for 2 quarts of water or more, small first aid kit, spoon or fork, camp cup, camp bowl, small shovel kit to dispose of your waste with lighter, tooth brush, tooth paste, toilet paper for three days, mosquito head net and hiking poles are recommended.

First aide kit: minimum is 2 band-aides, Tylenol, ace bandage, 2 pieces of gauze, medical tape, chap stick, sunscreen

Meet Your Guides

Earlier Event: April 20
Ayurvedic workshop